關於laughing at的評價, Faizal Tahir
This is Aboud. 3 years old. A Syrian refugee. He came running into my arms, shouting n laughing ...
This is Aboud. 3 years old. A Syrian refugee. He came running into my arms, shouting n laughing ...
Malaysiaku, keluargaku “Chong Wei! Pi depan naikk...
The only two moods—Pretending to be serious, and l...
กอลลั่มกำลังขำกลูต้าที่ทำตาเหลือก Gollum is lau...
“It’s a boy!” 聽到這句話應該是我們這一胎最大的驚喜。(我真的以為會是一個女生!)現在家...
บางบทเรียนสั้นๆ จากชีวิตสี่สิบปี --- 1. ถ้าพยาย...
31 years ago. I had no mortarboard. No robe. No fl...
Laughing together, staying apart, supporting front...
哥哥今天跆拳道考帶被大家笑自尊心受創😟 失敗了兩次也被笑了兩次以後覺得很羞愧, 用雙手把臉遮起來,他...
哥哥今天跆拳道考帶被大家笑自尊心受創😟 失敗了兩次也被笑了兩次以後覺得很羞愧, 用雙手把臉遮起來,他...